Sunday, January 11, 1976
First “sitting” is great for lunch & dinner but breakfast at 7:00? But since I hadn’t slept all night it was hard to get up. This rock a bye baby didn’t work for me! Design session in Four Seasons Lounge was really good on novelty things. But by time for lunch I was too queasy to get beyond the hors d’ouvres. The weather was great on deck after the green plant session. Sunny, warm & not too breezy. But in our cabin – forward – it’s very rough. Dressed for Captain’s cocktail party & Kathi looked darling in blue print she didn’t get to wear on Cape Cod. We’re both queazy so had sea sick shot. Couldn’t eat dinner but better in time for floor show & end of Streisand in “Funny Lady”. But this cabin is really rough.