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Trella Hemmerly – 1975-08-02

Saturday, August 2, 1975
Went to Hotel Harding liguidation sale. Bought stainless steel pot & small pitchers, parfait glasses & steak boards.
Still hot – 96 – Debby & Jackie spent whole day until 4:45 setting up & servicing Worley wedding. Jackie at church from 12:30 to 3:30 – stayed through the mass in order to move 2 arrangements to the house. Debbie waited at house for 2 hrs for cake to arrive. Very poor time management but they did a good job on arranging!
Rain about 5:30 just as I was ready to load out for my second wedding in Caledonia Memorial Methodist today. Cooled to 72.
Bank found the $20 mistake. Judy had counted a BAC in the cash.