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Trella Hemmerly – 1975-07-24

Thursday, July 24, 1975
Breakfast in room – class at 8:30. Marketing – not much help to me – I know my area too well. 12 of us loaded into my card & Mike’s at 12:45 for the Ocean Street Docks & the 2 hr boat trip on the Brant Point – $8 – to Nantucket. A little choppy but pleasant. Nantucket looks like a stage setting – Everything is too perfect. Cobblestone Streets. Too 1 1/2 hr bus tour – Island is 14 miles long – acres of bayberry. Shopping – bought scrimshaw & copper enamel (Kathi – a 5 & 12 lavalier at $28) 8:00 boat back – docked at 10 & back into Hyannis traffic.