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Trella Hemmerly – 1975-07-20

Sunday, July 20, 1975
Left Ethan Allen Motel at Danbury about 9:30 – Sleepless night with Davy kicking my sore hip. Stopped at Glastonbury, Conn. graveyard trying to find Isaac Chalker’s grave – No luck but found other names listed in Hildreth Genealogy, Houses along Main St. dated and named. Stopped at wharf area of Newport, R.I. Reconstructed.
Arrived Hyannis at 6:00 – checked in front – freshened & to cocktail party – Mike & Earl from FTD – Marilyn from Fall River, Frank from Rome NY – Mint from Ala. Lobster at outdoor dining room with Marilyn – Pool closed when Kathi took kids down.