Thursday, April 10, 1975
Sorted out insurance policies to raise $3,000 for down payment on house, but then Dick Myers called saying I could get $3,500 on my IDS annuity.
Dave Hempstead over with chain saw & cut dead trees & box elders & trimmed. Also cut up elms that have been down for 15 years. Howard had previously done a lot of work down near David’s treehouse.
In at 4 – took pictures of 418 Merchant, bought 10 lbs of grass seed & to marioon Manor to see Mother. To hospital at 6 after Mary went in I got in to see Rocky. Looks good.
Shopped for panties, slip & robe for Mother. Called Karen, she talked 35 minutes.*
[this was the day last year that their first son Benjamin died at age 1 day.]