Saturday, April 29, 1944
Awake about 8:30 & wasn’t sure until we got to the street that the sun was shining. Took the same route back to Penn Station as last night down to 6th thence to Herald Square & down into subway tunnel past Saks and Gimbels. Stopped in at Snack Bar at Gimbels for breakfast. Oh the intriguing looking things to buy on over in the store! Have shopping planned for Monday.
Then on to the station – all this underground & walked around until we could go still further underground to get train 19 at 10:03 AM for Hempstead. Where all these people are going on Long Island in the middle of the morning I’d like to know. The seats are straw like our old street car seats. And here we go & here comes the conductor for our tickets. We have to change at Jamaica. The train goes under the river & I had the impression I could tell when.
Passed Woodside & although the houses are mostly apartments you should see the lovely miniature gardens. And there is some places it is all cement except 6 foot squares & there will be tulips & iris & a little tree.
We couldn’t understand the conductor as he called station but Hempstead was the last stop on this line so we were safe. The farther out we got the more spacious the lawns & gardens and some of the towns are delightful. At each station there were cars parked in large numbers – left by their owners while they commuted to New York. The forsythia blooming everywhere makes unbelievable spots of color. And there are frequently blooming trees in a purplish pink with rather drooping branches that I can’t identify.
Had to wait across from the station for a Mitchell Field bus but finally came & by a devious route we arrived at the gate of the field. Mary was waiting in the pass house but had to go and get a S/Sgt to sign us in.
The field is very pretty with forsythia blooming everywhere & other bushes budding out in this bright spring sunshine.
Went to the mess hall for our dinner – among WAC’s – cafeteria style & a very complete menu. I chose Baked Ham (delicious) baked potato, corn, radishes, whipped gelatin & coffee – There was also cake, soup, creamed celery, onions that I remember. Mary had her mail with her from 3 days & had about 6 letters, uncluding one from Bernard from us, telling us what to see for him. After lunch we inspected the kitchen – with 2 sides of beef lying there. Saw the walk-in refrigerator & the menu for tonight. Then over to see the day room & then to Mary’s barracks – painted green. An outside stairway leads to the hall just outside her room. Everything so neat & clean. Saw the latrine with 3 grand looking tubs. Oh how I’d like a hot bath in a warm room in a clean tub with no shower apparatus interfering. That the set up in our bathroom.
Showed me laundry & then back to Wally waiting patiently on the steps. Around the post we went, stopping at enlisted men’s club where they were waxing floor. Marvelous radiophons. Pass the hospital & many officers saluted. Stopped at the PX & made several purchases of candy & such. Over toward the flying field where planes galore were lined up but not much activity. Along here is the building where Mary works. She showed us the window in the basement. The building looks like all the others. Also near here is the annex to the hangar where she went to school. In the parade ground across from the message center is the obstacle course. I’m sure it would take me 5 min. merely to run that distance but Mary says some of the boys have gone over & through & among it in 3 min. 6 sec. We passed a Colonel & General but I was so engrossed in the col. I missed the gn.
All over the field crews were repairing the sod & a tractor was discing to improve it at another. We were to meet Betty at the cafeteria but while were enjoying our Cokes waiting for her Mary was called to the phone for us to come to the hospital to see her.
She was up & dressed & if she can talk that much 4 days after a tonsilectomy what could she do normally – but seems to be a very nice girl.
We were about walked out – I feel as if there is no fluid left in my hip joint and after sitting a few minutes I limp when I get up- Outside of that I’m still going strong!
Picked up Sgt. Thomas at the supply room to sign us out – volunteers work in these guard houses to take care of getting visitors in & out & are also on duty to guide people about.
While waiting for the Hempstead bus we asked the MP to take our pictures at the entrance.
In Hempstead we shopped and I was delighted at the variety of merchandise offered. Got several things for Kathy.
Got a soda at the corner and Mary took the bus back to field to go on duty at 5:00 PM & we took the 4:20 back to N.Y.
People working in their patches of gardens all along but the ground certainly is on the sandy side.
In at Penn Station and up to our room to relax awhile. I finally braved the bathroom for a bath & it wasn’t half bad after I got the tub cleaned – rested me so much.
Met Bertha at her hotel & ate at Saberafts. Roast lamb, hashed potatoes, green beans, avacado & grapefruit cocktail, pear salad & chocolate pie. Good!
Then into the subway to 50th Street to the Roxy Theatre. Had no trouble getting rid of $2.80 for tickets but getting a seat was another matter. Waited about 45 minutes & then they were so high & not together. But the stage show made up for it. Paul Whiteman’s Orchestra – a chrous line with bells that jumped to play the pieces. 3 acrobats who were superb – then Victor Borge & then Joan Edwards & several other acts.
The picture “Buffalo Bill” was good but not exceptional. We were seated about 9:30 & came out at 12:30 & just a newsreel went with the feature.
Back to 34th Street on the subway. Goodbye to Bertha & home & bed. I’m writing this in my sleep.