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Trella Hemmerly – 1943-05-28

Friday, May 28, 1943
Wally called this morning saying it was an early winter- meaning a $35 a month raise – to $200 per mo. & retroactive to May 1!
Girl Scouts up to pass fire building. Took them to Lincoln Park but only one passed. Wally back to work at 5:00. I met him at 7:00 – leaving Kathy at Mother’s & took him out to dinner at Henney & Cooper’s. Then bought rouge $1, lipstick $1, 2 bras $1, swim suit $3, material for Kathy 50 cents, hose 83 cents. Home about 9:30 after buying groceries. Had a time using all my ration coupons – couldn’t. Took 2 pounds of waste fat in – got 10 cents. Worked on budget. Bed about 1:30.