Saturday December 14th 1935
Up at 8:15. Breakfast downtown at 9:45. Got bathrobe at Lazarus for Wally $5.95. He met me at 11. Had hitched down. Here is our shopping: Shoes and rubbers for Wally at Gilbert’s. Garden book for Daddy Lazarus $1.79, set of dishes for mother C&F $1.95. Slip and dansette for Mary Clear-Syche $2.00- toaster for his mother, stocking with rubber bone it’s for Sonny. Purse for my mother. Had some pine sachet specially made up for me. Went to see Kay Francis in “I Found S Paris”. Out to Aunt May’s for supper. Mother and Daddy got there about 5:00. Got home about 9:30. Stopped a Wm. Eber[?] for little radio for play tomorrow.