[above – kitchen at 229 E. Fairground in 1932]
Saturday January 2 1932
Oh- did I have a good party. I just couldn’t stop asking people. Finally cut it to 14. I told them to come at 8:00 and most of them were here at 7:30. Not much success at playing cars but we pushed the table back in the kitchen and the dancing was wonderful. Helen & Melvin & Juanita left at 11:20. Simply begged J. Uncapher to take her home but he stuck around and we had lots of fun. Pauline was thrilled rouge par ceque [French for “red because”] Bob E. took her maison. Others were
Mary B [Burtch], Doris F [Fogelson], Stanley F [Fogelson], Evelyn B, Bernard B [Brooks], Bob H {Haldeman]. and Glenn P [Patten].