Monday, September 21, 2009
Emailed James Steven at Marion Star about Charlie McCarthy & Scioto Ordinance Plant. Email from Jan Kennedy that Gale took the group to the Trella Romine prairie also on Sunday. Kathi & I picked up Jim Carpenter at 23:30 & he drove to Port Columbus. Helped Kathi check-in & find a wheel chair.
To Ohio Historical Center by 4:10 & met with Jim Strider and Barbara Powers – the one in charge of Preservation projects. At this point all needed was the Ohio application which I had – after her office decides that Houghton Sulky is ‘worthy’ (or not) they will notify me & provide material to apply for National Register status.
Port Columbus upgrading underway. New overpasses, more parking. Then along Morris [sic – Morse] Road east to Hartman Collectible Cards. Jim purchased lots. Then onto outerbelt to Rt. 23 N. Ate at Frisch’s Big Boy. Good food & service – $12 for both of us including pumpkin pie.
Took Jim home & I was home by 7:00.
Category: Trella Diaries
Daily journal of Trella Hemmerly Haldeman Romine from 1933 to her death on February 19, 2013.
Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-20
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Kathi & I up at 7:30 & she to Grubers for the church service of Class of ‘59 & finale. I made a chicken & dressing casserole & corn casserole. David & Karen arrived at 11:00 & David right to work rasing the railing along the steps to the river. To Lowe’s for bolts, etc. He brought 100 copies of Terradise Nature Preserve brochure that he printed. Karen helped in the kitchen & brought a birthday cake & 32 candles for Jed’s birthday.
Josh & Caroline & dog Ellie & cheese & flat bread. Chessie retreated for the rest of the day to the top of the refrigerator. Strangers drove in while David was cutting up the big sycamore limb that fell. Kathi & I at 1:00 to Claridon Prairie so she could see Gale – had 4 to tour including Nan Kennedy again. But didn’t have Jed & Susannah’s raffle art they won. Back home just as Ed & Carrie Hutchman came with several of their wood carvings to show Kathi. Then Olgua & her caregiver, Mary White, arrived & with a walker & the ramp Olgua got to the deck to watch David & Josh work on raising the railing. Call from Sarah – all three ill – so not coming leaving just the family & Caroline for supper. Jed blew out the candles – David transferred discs. All left by 7:00 – Kathi & I exhausted.
Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-19
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Breakfast table conversation – I made out order for shoes, shirts & jacket from Haband. To HH at 1:00 & Kathi took Prius & visited Olgua (after a tour of the Art Exhibit). Mary Jane – lives at SW corner of SR 98 & Patton Pike – to Resource Center – Wants to visit Terradise. Jim Carpenter told it was beautiful, etc. Couple researching religious history of Marion – referred them to county histories.
Charlie McCarthy of Wyandot Co. to research Scioto Ordinance Plant – used some of the 1940’s Marion Star in Resource Center. Then it got interesting! – He has purchased 12,000* acres of the area (It was he who depleted our stock of the Mosher books) and razed all the buildings, drained the pond, ground the concrete to pellets – made new roads and will farm the area with soybeans and corn. There has been no publicity in the Marion Star & I offered to see that he gets some. He suggested a marker for Scioto Ordinance Plant & will pay for it & erect it! ($1,500)
Found that I had only completed the Ohio part of National Register nomination for the Houghton Sulky building. Jim Carpenter copied for me – also copied some of Charlie’s pictures. Ed Hutchman came to HH to visit with Kathi but she was at Olgua’s.
Home for naps. Chessie caught a chipmunk & a tree frog was in waste basket.
Stu Shank picked up Kathi at 5:45 to go to Palace Annex for ‘59 reunion.
[*1,200 (Trella was never good at zeroes!]
Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-18
Friday, September 18, 2009
Kathi & I looked thru the files of old letters and the box of her letters to me.
Visited Terradise Nature Preserve & signed register. TO Mt. Gilead to Hartman Printing for estimate on reprint of ‘After 40 Years’. Lots of problems – Also ordered sign for Trella Romine Prairie at SR 739 & 203. $59 with metal frame.
Visited Dave Matyac & Marilyn Schnibble & toured their garden – everything in bloom. Marilyn still planning kitchen remodelling.
To Art & Mary Grubers farm at 6:00 and field already parked full./ Mule cart ride to tent area. I sat and Kathi roamed – so many talked to me – Ruth Berry (Girl Scout Troop), Marty Bowden, Sue Smith helped me through buffet line & to table near stage in tent. Stu Shank & Becky Yannitell & Berry & husband at our table. Mama Mia Musical take-off. Jull Howser, Larry Ballenger, Linda Robinson, Barry Brant-MC, great. Tributes to Tom Yanitell & Mary & Art for hospitality. Art drove us in the mule to my car. Home by 9:30.
Kathi sick-? Humidity, dehydration, fatigue, fever.
Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-17
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Kathi & I both slept until 10:00 – Emailed Bob – One from Jim Strider. Will meet me next Monday. Email from Dave Matyac – Marion Schools now lost – torn down – about 40! Should have that for Willis Thomas’ book.
To Marion – Kathi bought me 6 mum plans at Garden Club Sale. Drove into marion Cemetery Hemmerly graves.
Kathi visited Olgua Haldeman & her son Bill regaled me with Olgua’s ‘deliriorations’ but Kathi found her very lucid.
To Caledonia to mail card for Kathi. Quin Nelson 8 yrs.
Took a golf cart ride for pictures of the deteriorated barn on Murphy property. LaDonna in drive and learned Mike Lyon has just had heart operation – So didn’t mention the 90 bricks for MCHS.
Then rode thru area across road. Discussed cutting tops off weeping juniper & Colorado Blue Spruce – they are as tall as the house.
Supper of bean salad & left overs. Kathi to Grubers for ‘pre-reunion’ event. I took her – Stu Shank brought her home.
We pulled the hose out of the its house & watered pots of plants.
Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-16
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Kathi’s visit
Royce $50 & Jim $40 here from 9:30 to 12:30. I had a list for Jim & he got every thing & more done – watered pots, picked tomatoes, cleaned gazebo & deck & furniture. Turned mattress on my bed, Mowed upper lawns & hill at end of drive. Spared the puff ball that popped up.
I made spaghetti & frozen meat balls. Emailed Jim Strider about bringing National Register Nomination for Houghton Soulky to OHS Monday,. Also emailed Brecks about lack of pink buds on peony roots.
Had table set & spaghetti ready for Kathi & David when they arrived from Port Ocls Airport at 5:45 – Kathi so thin – but peppy.
Golf cart tour to prairies & then to see the hardscaping – Kathi took lots of pictures. David brought his John Dean* Harding book for me to read.
Amazed at what I was able to do today – maybe I’m recovering.
*Now I remember my disgust at his repeatedly saying the Florence Kling & DeWolfe were never married. If not, why is there a record of their divorce (copy at resource Center – Heritage Hall?
Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-15
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Loaded recyclables.
To La Salon at 1:00 for shampoo & blow dry $14.50.
To Dr. Winger’s office to take DBY to Pat (receptionist). Gift to Peggy – will read it before sending it.
To Sims to recycle – Had a little help from Ryan. To Ohio State Bank – cash $200 – Got info for on-line banking access.
Home by 3:00 – 1 hr nap – Downloaded info for MCHS Board Meeting.
Back to HH for 7:00 PM Board Meeting. Gave nominating committee report & report of National register Nomination for Houghton Slky building. Gave ‘Pride’ $1,000 gift.
Talk on putting popcorn into the Popcorn Festival – read letter from Mich. couple that I suggested be sent to the Marion Star.
Picked up chicken over mashed potatoes at Famous Chicken $1.49
Checked in on computer for David & Kathi & to bed by 10:00.
Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-14
Monday, September 14, 2009
Dow 9626 (up 20 pts)
Finished sorting the box of (mostly) family letters – Half are from Kathi. Put the rest in folders – David Haldeman family, Kristi, Dave Decker, Genealogy, friends, others, etc.
About 2:30 had a call back from my call to Clutters earlier. Said I could visit right away. Was amazed to see Kensel so thin and to learn he had a pacemaker implanted Sept 8.
Had an interrupted heart beat, fuzzy, tight & in head & tired (my symptoms, too). Drove pas his prairie and Opal gave me red raspberries.
To Meijer for groceries = $32.
Gale for supper at 6:00 – Veggie soup & Meijer potatoe salad. Discussed how to improve MCHS involvement in Popcorn Festival due to visitor from Detroit.
Email from Jan Kennedy with link to Cheryl HG – butterfly pictures of yesterday – Fantastic!
Forwarded to D & K & then couldn’t bring them up to show Gale. She left about 7:00 – Had to remove sticker from her horse that had cyst removed.
Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-13
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Dan Sheridan’s ‘Bicycling’ column in Marion Star featured Uncle Will Sheneman’s 1896 bicycle trip from Seattle Wash. to Marysville, OH with a link to I must log on!
To Claridon Prairie Marker at 12:45 & Gale already there. Jan & friends from Mansfield – Nancy Earl (Cheryl & Crestline), Bob & wife from Marengo and Warren [illegible] (Crawford Co. Park District) – small but interested group. Sawtooth Sunflowers spectacular & so much Riddells Goldenrod. I drove as they walked. Home by 4:00.
Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-12
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Peeled, cut and cooked the peck of tomatoes – some from Don Keil.
Downloaded review of Harding Affair & First Lady Florence Kling Harding (Cleveland Plain Dealer review) & printed & also forwarded to Stu Koblentz.
To HH – Resource Center at 1:00. Met John Kalb & showed him the N.R. Historic Places application & prepared from his notes. Gale downloaded photos & printed out to add. With Jim Carpenter’s help.
Dr. Wenger’s receptionist came to buy DBY – no copious at HH. I’ll take one to the office. Left at 2:30. Hamburger at wendy’s. Corn at Crum’s wagon. Napped until 5:00.
Call from Donna Lawrence from Lancaster. Had spoken to DAR in Logan & was asking about Rishes & my connection.
Corn off cob for supper. To bed at 8:00. Finally article in Star on Claridon Prairie Tour.