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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-05-08

Friday, May 8, 2009
Cloudy 65º
Hammerly’s flowers delivered a huge gorgeous bouquet from Dave and Johanna. I made another one for the kitchen from some of the roses, carnations, Dutch iris, liatris and a huge hydrangea bloom. emailed my thanks and looked at pics from Dave’s visit to Clear Creek State park, colorado.
wrote an outline for my talk to the Central Ohio native plant society.
call from Karen Kelly. She has 25 white 24-in steaks and 4×6 blacks to put by trees for identification at TNP. asked for a list of 25. By eliminating the shrubs and vines the TNP brochure has 25 trees. Emailed report to her.
Decided to make baked spaghetti. Had the whole stove working. ended up with sauce over spaghetti for supper and two containers ready to bake.
Mother’s Day card from David and Karen. Karen’s writing. also a card from Dave and Johanna.

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-05-07

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Dow Jones 8490 – not news when it rises.
Royce cleaning. Jim Carpenter planted more containers. cleared variegated Solomon’s Seal from front of house bed and planted Queen Elizabeth rose. cleared the bed by pergola deck. Ivy and euonymus. Bleeding heart blooming and giant Jack in the Pulpit emerging. Fertilized lawn along stone wall and from drive to pergola.
Sent email to Johnson Properties asking for cost if work along patio is excluded from their $12,000 estimate.
Mother’s Day card from Kathi and Bob. Nice loving notes and a $20 bill for plants.

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-05-06

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
½ in. rain PM
Jim Carpenter here from 9:30 to 12:30. planted pink geraniums and ageratum along pool. Yellow dwarf marigolds along top of stone wall. Planted the high bush viburnum along road. Persuaded him to tell Gale he will take charge of changing the message on the kiosk. This will keep him informed of events. He loaded the new chair for the resource center and will put it together.
Mac and Sharon Hildreth came at 1:15 just as it started raining so I couldn’t show them the sheets of mertensia still blooming. They had found among papers of Harold Hildreth a purchase of a rifle. Checked with Mark Melroy and he identified it as a World War I rifle. Not the Benoni Hildreth musket.
At 6:00 to Harding Center to meet with WMRN Scott Spears for taping three sessions of his program. Others participating are George Kasotis and MaryAnn Michaels. Really threw questions at us on a variety of subjects. picked up Actonol prescription at Meijer.
Received invitation to Thaddeus’s 5th birthday party May 17th at his house. It was printed on a pink T-shirt crafted by Sarah. Creative!

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-05-05

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Partly sunny 65º

Up at 7:00 and on the road to Warrensville by 8:00 via State Route 275. arrived at 9:00 and David was at the price organic waiting. had inspected the various products and we decided Barnyard mix compost was the one to buy. paid $23 for one cubic yard and $21 for six bags mulch loaded on David’s pickup. At Terradise by 10:30 David worked so hard unloading and spreading to make new bed along the road under the rail fence. then cleaned the area in front of house. transplanted the third hydrangea toward the front. then spread more in bed by lower driveway. no need to buy mulch compost better. he left about 3:00 ($250 to him). I hauled several loads of weeds to burning pile because they included Bishop’s weed and wild garlic and dandelions in seed. He used half capacity of Roundup on gravel walk and weedy campanula.
Had supper of lasagna, corn kernels, bread and marmalade ready for Jed, Rachel and Miette at 6:00 but they didn’t arrive until 7:00. Took golf cart ride through lower woods.
Invitation from Sarah to thad’s 5th birthday party on May 17th. it was lettered on a pink t-shirt!

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-05-04

Monday, May 4, 2009
mostly cloudy 65º
Called Jed about computer not responding. he said press the on-off button and hold for 10 seconds that did it! message from David saying he would meet tomorrow a price composting at 9:00 with truck to bring a load of compost to Terradise. Great messages from Dave Matyak 74 blooms on the purple dwarf Iris I gave him a couple of years ago.
Letter from Bill Laidlaw director of Ohio Historical Society assured me that Ray’s lepidoptera collection was well taken care of not distributed for circulating to schools.
most importantly check for $10,000 from one of Howard’s HH bonds. to Marion to deposit it. balance in 719 account $15,000. at Meijer bought a flat of white petunias and Dusty Miller. at Menards two small bags 5,000 ft of starter fertilizer one starter one weed/feed. Marsha and Danny Eblen here from 4:00 to 5:00. Dan sug Hosta and variegated Solomon seal. Gail arrived at 5:15. toured down in woods to see Trillium and mertensia while lasagna cooked in microwave. Also has rhubarb and last half of the asparagus from Clutters. Gave her plastic pots for her Prairie seedlings.

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-05-03

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Mostly cloudy
TNP Hackberry cut
Surprize visit from 4 members of the Mohican Native Plant Society – Jan Kennedy. ‘Women in the Outdoors’ + + Took them a tour of low area woods – So great to have people who appreciate the diversity. I saw a pileated woodpecker take off from a tree across the river. Then Jack & Ginny Telfer arrive & with Jack in golf cart did a shorter tour. Then to TNP – Had heard chain saw going all afternoon. It was Tom Bostic cuetting the hackberry tree that Hipsher Tree Service felled – Stum 36” ! Tom took the wood.
Mohican group had picked up sub sandwiches in Caledonia & invited me to share, eating on the picnic tables under shelter. I hiked (with Jan’s help) halfway on the lane to riever & the others did the other trails.
Spent the morning filing since my computer woldn’t load operating system. Left message of David’s cell phone.

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-05-02

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Partly sunny 62º – river rising
I didn’t plan to have 5 scrambled eggs for supper – but when the $5 round watermelon that I purchased at Meijer rolled onto the caron of eggs they were already cracked – ate them all with the toasted home made bread David Matyak brought me Sunday.
Had an email from him saying he needs to get caught up at home so won’t come over every Wedd – only when I need him Was he miffed because Jim Carpenter relaid brick floor in greenhouse when he had planned to do it?

At Resource Center Betty White asked for info on Hotel Harding. So with Jim Carpenter’s help on research I wrote a one-page history – started 1924 – occupied 1927. Virgil Dye jumped out a window in 1963 – suicide. Oil boom era 1961-63. Trella at Garden Club luncheon on day it closed in 1974, Reopened as Harding Center Senior Apartments 35 tenants in 1983(?)
Jim set up an AOL email site for me at so I can transfer files to my computer at home. At Office Depot to buy ink cartridge & an office chair for Resource Center at $45.

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-05-01

Friday, May 1, 2009
Sunny Rain 69º
To Marion – paid ½ ins on Terradise ($818) at Jim Owens – At Ohio State Bank deposited rent check for 229 W. Fairground ($300) and got deposit slips for Farsons. To Tr-Rivers for 2 lantana for Daviod Matyak – 2 spikes, sage & lemon thyme & flat of begonias for me – $26. To Caledonia PO & mailed Shane Wright’s birthday card ($20 and a TNP brochure) Bought $25 forever stamps since rate goes to 44¢ May 11 (1st class).
Drove in at Jr. River Patrol boat landing – Trilliums from Mautz 2 yrs ago blooming. Cut white lilacs & pulled rhubarb from across road.
Emailed David about hauling compost from Price Barns W of Delaware. He will. Cooked chicken breast for supper – dumplings no good! Asparagus great.
House wren on deck railing.

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-04-30

Thursday, April 30, 2009
[Rainy all day High 60º
A rock fell on my toe recently. I woke about 2:00 with it hurting badly. Took one Actinol & back to sleep – after a warm bath soak it’s ok.
Got letter and reprint ready to send to Tipton, Iowa on John J. Dairy who lioved in Marion in late 1800’s.
Wrote a chapter of Trella’s Autobiography on childhood sales experience – selling subscriptions to Needlework Magazine. Selling candy bars in 3rd grade – Ice cream candy stand on Fairground Stret & selling candy bars (with #s) I choose for numbers racket.
Call from Dick Burtch – ‘Mary K Mills heirs willing to seell for the lot next o 229 E. Fairground for my auction bid of $3,100. Told him I’d get back to him.
Worked on the other files of my Autobio from 3:00 top 7:00 – By entering a date first in file name will make editing easier for David.

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-04-29

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
60º cloudy short shower
Slept until 9:30 – worked on border along lower drive. Dug out dandelions, goat week, grass to rescue hosta and perennials that I thought were killed by Round-up by mistake last year with gorgeous red tuberous begonias.
David Matyak arrived about – aborted try to plant the Viburnum ‘ninebark’ variety. Too much Campanula- weedy. So to greenhouse to separate the 4 dragon wing begonia plants in one hanging basket from the Tr-Rivers plant sale. Dave mixed top soil peat moss, and potting soil in potting bench – gave him 2 plants & also half the Kaufman tulip bulbs. Replanted my half in 2 places in border by lower drive.
To HH at 5:00 to meet with exec Committee – jan Augenstein, Nancy Gracely, Randy Winland & me for Evaluation of Gale – Nancy gave consistently low grades – Randy good comments. Lowest marks for delegating, highest for creativity. Others als with me feel that Gale not interested in an activity she doesn’t initiate.
Home by 7:00.