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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-06-10

Sunday, June 10, 1984
Dave on canoe trip on Big Darby paragraph -met John Axethelm with Dick Cooper.

Cleaned house and got things back in redecorated bathroom- love it.
Helen Romine stopped in on way from Mansfield- been shopping.

David arrived about 5:30. Had eaten but we all had piece of Apple pie.

Then to computer. The disk drive on the shop’s is definitely on the blink. Mine seems okay- error on disks which David had retrieved. So hope I’m back in business tomorrow.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-06-09

Saturday, June 9, 1984
Temperature 91.
Took Dave to Caledonia at 9:15 to help with river clean up. Gone all day. Group under Dick Cooper picked up 40 bags of trash.

Neither computer working so spent time getting Courthouse material organized. Picked up both push lawn mowers about 8:00. Nothing wrong with either one. Guess Howard just didn’t want to mow. Fixed fried rice for dinner and then mowed front lawn. 3 Township trustees stopped on way home from dinner Boger, Lehner and Gruber. George Parkhurst of Hildreth association called from Massachusetts asking me to be speaker at Hildreth reunion August 4th.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-06-08

Friday, June 8, 1984
Wrote chapter for courthouse book. In at 12:00 to confirm with Kass on Hemmerly’s 50th Anniversary- will have pencils, balloons and 20% discount coupons- free popcorn and ice cream(?)

At 2:00 to Marion Healthcare Center to present Road Bond to Irene Clark for her $4,000 contribution to MCHS. Picked Dave up at Mary’s he worked for her. To shop to copy pictures. Then to LaRue for Oorang Bang. Windy and hot- barbecue chicken with Bob Whitman. Interruptions- parade met his family- sold books.

David called- working on my bum disks- will be up Sunday night.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-06-01

Friday, June 1, 1984
Invitation to Barb Richardson’s wedding June 16th in Indianapolis. The Dunns in their RV brought 12 Marion Manor residents to visit Terradise. I gave them the story and each a bouquet of Lily of the valley. Royce here cleaning.

At 12:30 in to Elizabeth Jester’s for Town & Country Garden Club- Connie(?) from deHavens on chrysanthemums- never heard so many half-truths.

To shop to copy Jacoby History data for new book on courthouse. Picked up March and April statements $3,000 profit in April so only $450 in whole for a year. Picked up shop computer to use. Barb Cornwall and mother out to pick up spade. Figured out copy for M. S. and worked on content of book. Printer won’t print!

Picked up $3,000 check to MCHS from Bryson and took to Foster.