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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-06-30

Saturday, June 30, 1984
Up at 7:30- house cold- all doors had been opened by Howard and it was only 55° out. Royce here to clean and that made me get book material organized. Found Centennial committee sheet that had been lost since Tuesday. Got all material into files of copy and illustrations for each chapter and selected photos through chapter 9. Stopped for supper at 9:00 p.m. Fertilized vegetables. Howard had hoed the terraces and they looked much better- grass was in them.

Watched Sphinx on TV. First TV except weather in weeks.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-06-29

Friday, June 29, 1984
Up at 7:00 to get Country Store at Fair by 8:30. Picked up flea market things at Hemmerly’s from their sidewalk sale. Dave helped me unload and then left for canoe trip with church kids. Not much business Bill and Erma Hutchman there helping. Went to Fine Arts Building to see professional flower class. Ken won best of show, Mary and Jan blue ribbons. Mary Ann Michaels nabbed me for her radio show so I boosted Eber Baker beans. Mary and Ken brought me home about 11:00. Set out Crystal Palace Lobelia. Marlene Stork called saying problems with her processor and not to expect typeset copy until wednesday. So I quit work on book and went to bed at 7:30.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-06-28

Thursday, June 28, 1984
Margaret Iams and I had lunch on patio. Mary took Dave to her house to work. Transplanted some seedling marigolds to bed east of driveway. Hadn’t even been in garden all week and needed that.

Mary and Ken and Margaret Iams out and sacked beans while I started dummy for book. Margaret helped all day and may buy my Ozzie when I get an Executive*. Called Marlene in Arcata California and she had just received the disc via express mail. gave her Corrections on chapter 4.

Bath and in for Historical Society annual meeting. Took 1939 Maps, Eber Baker beans. Bob and Carol Whitman came in at end. All expenses paid for Jim Thorpe book. Home at 10:00 and Dave helped me bag beans.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-06-27

Wednesday, June 27, 1984
David in to shop at 7:30. Has accounts payable ready to go and conferences with Kass on bonus and raises. Karen took care of kids while I finished entering info on disk for book. Got it ready to mail by Express Mail ($9.35) and mailed to Marlene at Arcata California at noon. Back home to see if layout sheet arrived from leisure and then back into shop to make copies of it and the typeset material so I can make up a dummy. Marlene called and I told her I would like caps reduced to 12 point and chapter & number in italic. Book is set in Times Roman. Grocery shopped and got pizza. Home beat.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-06-26

Tuesday, June 26, 1984
Dave and David up at 6:30 and took canoe to 746 bridge put it into river and came down here- came in to get me to go out- ducks with babies on river- great blue heron- lovely. Went down to Roberts Road

Then back to computer and chapter 6. In to meeting of Courthouse Centennial committee at 10:00.

Karen got supper fried rice and salad and strawberry shortcake. John Foster out with list of Centennial committee workers. Richard Carey out. Doesn’t want to admit and print to taking Lady Justice*, so we will use second ending.

[*Statue from top of courthouse]

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-06-24

Sunday, June 24, 1984
Worked all morning on chapter 6. Fanny Baker called last night and invited us to eat dinner with them at Turoff’s. So met them at 1:00 Mary and Ken went to Community Medical Center where Loren Baker went through therapy for those visiting room open house [sic]. I took disk to shop and worked on chapter 6 until Bakers came at 4:00. Then to flower show- was Hostess then started to dismantle show- Davy was big help and Willis Thomas. Willis bought four bags of chips for $16!

Home about 8:00- Ruth Ault, chairman just up and left!

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-06-23

Saturday, June 23, 1984
In at 7:30 to Women’s Club home with last minute things for staging and managed to work until 1:00 poured rain all morning. put up markers around walk after it stopped. Re-did sign that had run in the rain. Made markers for each of the 35 classes in the show really used my calligraphy.

Home about 2:00 worked on chapter 6 County officials. Mary was photographer for show took some at 11:00 a.m. – winners at 3:00.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-06-22

Friday, June 22, 1984
Wrote chapters 9 10 and 11 of Courthouse book and got them off to Marlene Stork for type setting in Cincinnati. In to Marion to meet Mary and transfer mother’s money market to a rental checking account we each got $1,415 after paying for siding for Mother’s house.

Picked up ladders at Henry Lumber and then to Women’s Club home to “stage” Garden Forum flower show. Paid Todd Eckberry $10 to help carry. Used calligraphy to make signs for 35 classes. Met Cliff Mitchell here at 9:00 and gave him 75 pictures to copy for Courthouse book.