Saturday, September 8, 1984
[No entry]
Author: Trella Hemmerly Haldeman Romine
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-09-07
Friday, September 7, 1984
[No entry]
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-09-06
Thursday, September 6, 1984
Up at 8 & made eggs & bacon for bfst. David in to shop for conf. with Judy while Bob Rau enter all my Hemmerly info.
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-09-05
Wednesday, September 5, 1984
Worked like mad to get house cleaned up. In to shop at 5:00 but David and Bob Rau didn’t arrive until 6:00. To Perkins for dinner and then to genealogy meeting. Took Courthouse book and asked Maxine to display them for sale said no immediately two people bought them. Maxine conducted her usual tiresome meeting. Bob Rau’s presentation of Roots M and SuperCalc for entering genealogy records was intriguing. David showed capabilities of data extracted from Cemetery records. At home Bob showed me more Roots and made copy.
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-09-04
Tuesday, September 4, 1984
Dave called at 9:00 saying needed check for his pictures- dashed to school with it. While I was gone Mary and Ken stopped with money from Roger Butler on lot payment but I missed them. They are off to Canada until the 13th.
Worked all day until 1:30 a.m. on Cemetery records. Got everything rewritten and printed for tomorrow’s meeting of genealogical society.
Dave cut more shrubs along road. Called Kass a.m. Judy not in so I had to tell her she was leaving.
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-09-03
Monday, September 3, 1984
Cool rainy day. Mary and Ken out with their trip schedule. Dave slept until 1:30. worked all day on Cemetery records.
Called David to tell him about Judy leaving.
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-09-02
Sunday, September 2, 1984
Worked all day on Cemetery records.
Judy and Greg Etter over about 11:00 a.m. Showed them landscaping. Then Judy handed me a typewritten note saying she has taken job managing Norton’s Flower Shop in Bucyrus. Will start there in September 17th.
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-09-01
Saturday, September 1, 1984
Called Mary Jordan to wish happy birthday and tell her I had to work at Historical Center so could not go to Nancy’s picnic near Mount Gilead. Sent her silk arrangement in stoneware pitcher. To Center at 1:00. Took stones to build ledge at bottom side of steps to hold soil and water. Norm [Vogt] there and helped. He is so anxious to learn about Society. Went through desk and moved sales table to back room. Took Huber catalogs to basement. Exhausted. Brought McDonald hamburgers and french fries home for supper. Worked all evening sorting boxes of Courthouse book- Jim Thorpe and miscellaneous stuff. Cool rainy day but only 1/4″ rain 69° High.
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-08-31
Friday, August 31, 1984
Problem with monitor on Executive and the big one. David called saying he and Bob Rau will be up Wednesday about 5:00 for Genealogy Society program and stay over Thursday. Want to have all records entered for Cemetery by then. In town after school for Dave to apply for a job at Wolohan’s. Supper with Mary and Ken at Islay’s. Dale Hecker had heart attack and is in intensive care. Stopped at Carl Lehner’s and he gave me lima beans and squash and a 40 lb pumpkin to display at Center for popcorn parade. Bought headlamp and hard hat at Depot Sales and got application. 3 weeks allowance for Dave. Called Kathi- she’s concerned that with Don retiring he may have cut off allotments to Dave and Kris.
Trella Hemmerly – 1984-08-30
Thursday, August 30, 1984
[No entry]