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Trella Hemmerly – 1991-09-23

Monday, September 23, 1991
.4 inch rain
Mailed stack of mail & cashed check in Caledonia & left Fall Fair posters. Stopped at Cord Camera on way to Ohio Historical Center for OAHSM Exec Comm. Say cost of repairing my Minolta Freedom camera would be $79. Looked at similar cameras from $129 to $179
My last Exec. Committee meeting (as past Pres of OAHSM). Will miss last board meeting while in Reno. J.D. Britton shows real signs of leadership. New program for Trish & regional rep to actually visit non-member Historical groups. Plans to get Local Historian to more local historians. Suggested a get together breakfast for all past board members on Sat AM at Annual Meeting. Suggested it might get some there that wouldn’t otherwise come.
To Marysville via Rt 33 – To Hildreth’s about 5:30 & Harold sitting middle of room (all dressed up in blue jacket) with the wooden shovel, the brass Hildreth School bell, Wm Hildreth III ‘bleeder’, 3 tin types, framed picture of David & Eliza Hildreth & 4 children & the saddle bag that Wm Hildrethr III rode from Knox Co. to Uniopn Co. with $800 in gold to buy the 500 acres. David called with invitation to JHed & Susannah’s birthday party. Enthused with big contracts interviewing another program.