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Trella Hemmerly – 1989-10-17

Tuesday, October 17, 1989
Major earthquake in San Francisco at 8:05 p.m. our time. Linda okay but crying. Dave’s ship the Gridley anchored at Treasure Island where Bay Bridge collapsed.
To Heritage Hall at 10:00 a.m. busy all day. Copying Heritage Hall Brick flyers for teachers and to include in the newsletter. Also wrote appeal for meeting reduction to include. Called Chamber of Commerce and they will prepare folders for teachers with flyers from historic sites.
Ate with Mary at Turoff’s and then to Carroll Neidhart’s to see prelims on logo for MCHS-. looks good, but emphasizes Heritage Hall too much.
Met with Charlie Evers to plan committee and he didn’t bring any info not even a program book. But I’m going through his material. Found John C’s report on Heritage Preservation Endowment Fund but not John’s resign.
Board meeting hectic. Lucy always brings the minutes about 5 minutes before the meeting. Dropped PO box and will use 169 East Church Street as address. Headed to trustees to Heritage Preservation Enddowment Fund to resolve differences.
When I got home at 10:30 phone message from Mary my first inkling of San Francisco earthquake. Talked to David, Kathi- no word from Dave but Dee had called Kathi and Dave’s ships is in San Francisco Bay!