Thursday July 22nd hottest day heat 95 in the heat index 107 2″ rain
To Noon Kiwanis to give talk on “How We Came to Be” introduced by Russ Howard- Jane and R. Carey came as R. Straub’s guests- Audience seemed enthralled. Sold 2 DBY- Gareth Higgins and Brent Harriman. To Mary’s and worked with her on computer. When Bob wiped out her hard drive he only reinstalled games. No word processing or Quicken programs. Her keyboard sticks and computer is very slow.
Called David after perusing “Planning Your Addition.” Told him about estimate and problems with Josh’s elevations. When Josh picked up DeLorean it only ran to Columbus and conked out. Had to be towed back to Byerly’s in Radnor. Can’t come up until middle of August- band jobs. Playing in Xenia Sunday brass band. May go down.