Monday February 8th
Bird-feeding, breakfast, did load of laundry, unloaded dishwasher, took garbage to compost bin, checked e-mail- one from David- forwarded a bunch of unbelievably stupid actions of real people- 1 from Kathi in response to the Friday call (on answering machine from Jim Croners- (Bucyrus Telegraph-Forum) wanting permission to cite DBY stories on underground railroad). Sent letter to him- also wrote to Brad Standard? of Hazleton, Pennsylvania paper- He had visited Claridon Prairie in August and wrote a charming article.
Clinton impeachment proceedings winding down in U.S. Senate- I watched public TV when investigators gave their final plea (believable) for removal based on lying under oath and obstructing justice.- Then in CBS NBC and ABC newscasts they only showed the White House (Clinton) defense attorney’s platitudes about national security (Clinton and four other US presidents are in Jordan attending King Hussein’s funeral)- Time and again newscasts have shown White House defense declaring as fact statements that are untrue and very little coverage on prosecution!
Rick Steves in Naples and Sorrento brings back memories of visit there with Kathy in 1973 and Marcella Haldeman and Martha Koshubader[?].
Received Parks seeds and packet from project feederwatch from Cornell lab.