Friday July 11th
Up at 6:30 in order to be at Tahoe City at 9 to rent rubber rafts for a trip down the Truckee River $7 each 5 Mi 3 and 1/2 hours- fun every minute. Saw Dippers, 2 duck families, muskrats. Calm areas, shallow where we got out and pushed (our feet were wet already from leaks in the raft) and the rapids full of rocks. David and I in one Bob, Kathy and Kristi in the other. Somehow in the middle of one rapids I found myself in the river. Immediately thankful I didn’t bring my camera or watch- dumped me to the neck! The last rapids just below Riverside were the hardest and found the best way off is for another raft to bump you. Bussed us back to Tahoe City. I changed to dry clothes (no one else brought a change!!). Around Lake Tahoe to Sugar Pine Point Park- Ate in the sun- toured the Ehrman Mansion- watch kids swim off the dock- counted 300 rings on a downed tree and tried to imagine 50 guests strolling the grounds attended by 230 servants.