Saturday January 13th 1979
Wedding at St Mary’s at 1. Carroll in and I gave him a copy of minutes condensed. Sent Marj Williams Brandt a bouquet and a copy so she won’t have to go through all of them to write the history.
Lots of funeral work- Laura did $120- $45 was 2 orchid arrangements that should take only ten minutes Tonya $224, Mary $240 and Dave $190! Had no trouble getting out the work with the reduced hours.
Mike refused to shovel snow so I started to, but Mary came out and did it. Dave thought I should have fired Mike.
Temperature 38 but forecast of near blizzard tomorrow. Chicago has 12 in and O’Hare Airport is closed.
Worked all evening on the W’s proofreading.
Took boxes to Paris and Helen to pack their Christmas things. Paris seemed uncomfortable. Got dates of their genealogy.