Monday February 4th
Interviewed Jan Ziegler at 11 good prospect but told her no job. Gary Bigler in with application and design school diploma. Hired him for Valentine’s Day at $3.90. To mother’s for lunch. Her neighbors arrested twice for burglary. Signed 11-week contract for WDIF. Junior Achievement advertisement $77. Bought ad on Marion Catholic Book Cover $199. Turn down salesman for ad on telephone covers. Bought pair of three branch candelabra from Charlton W Aster. He no longer is salesman for Rosedale Pottery. They have been taken over by Indiana Glass. Shenandoah salesman in. Bought wreaths and some silk and pottery. Very busy with funeral work. Mrs. Clay Smith died- was my primary Department superintendent as a child. Chris Everhart in to explain her quitting. Cried because I was understanding of her situation. To Hardee’s for coffee while Kenny and Mary ate. They have new kitchen floor covering. Cushion vinyl. 10 employees met for dinner at Gateway Smorgasbord and gave them highlights of Society of American Florists marketing Forum. Saw Paris Romine as we were leaving. Sorted 7 Days mail and watched Jack Lemmon movie till 1:15.