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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-10-31

Saturday, October 31, 2009
1 inch rain
Worked getting all the little jobs done that got the house in pretty good shape by the time Dave Decker arrived at 6:00. Found out later how he managed to spend this time with me. Missed the kickoff meeting in Austin Texas for his new Navy air project. Crucial that he gets things set up for his successor when he returns in June. Hated to leave Johanna to take care of stray cat he rescued that is partially paralyzed. I feel so honored that he cares enough for me to keep his promise to be here for my birthday.
He will retire in June. 23 years in navy. Retirement $50,000 a year. Quite a drop from his present $120,000 a year salary. He’ll move to Albuquerque New Mexico for study for PhD in geology and a new career. he is 42 on December 19th.