Tuesday, October 13, 2009
DJ 9871
rain- low 40°
Composed my rebuttal of Carl Anthony, John Dean and Catherine Sibley allegation that Florence Kling and Henry DeWolfe were never married despite their recorded divorce. I use the evidence of Emmanuel Sheneman and Lucy Hildreth marriage in the same decade. Uncle Alan was never able to find a marriage record in Columbus for them either. But the marriage certificate proves they were. Too bad Florence and ‘Pete’s’ certificate hasn’t survived.
But lack of proof is no guarantee that the marriage didn’t occur. As everyone agreed until Carl Anthony and John Dean alleged it didn’t because the record couldn’t be found.
Sent file to David for critique.
To Dr Kathi Dixon at 1:00- weigh 126 down from 130 6 months ago. 63 in. tall (5 ft 3 in) heartbeat ___ BP___