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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-10-08

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Jim’s 60th birthday gave him Day Before Yesterday and at 9×10 tintype of unknown found in attic.
Email from Jackye- passed Little Rock & Arizona. Sent pics of Chessie and me.
Royce brought Jim Carpenter. Worked with him to plant the replacement peony roots that had no pink eyes. Putting near the Sargentii Crabtree and trimmed it. Cleared the edge of drive of frosted weeds. Pulled marigolds above wall. Reworked compost piles for neatness. Hauled the combination pots from decks to greenhouse. Loaded recyclables for Sims. Shopped at Meijer- both of us. To Sims and unloaded. To Dr Winger and he left me while he went home to load pop cans one year accumulation he got $21 for them. Picked me up at Dr Winger where Dr Winger found the right hearing aid was not functioning. Will send back to Starkey. To chicken shop on North Main for box suppers and I took Jim home. TV This Old House
Two to four inches rain forecast for Marion County
Jim told me while he was resting that he couldn’t have a better place to spend his birthday than here.