Thursday, October 1, 2009
DJ 9519
Ice on tablecloth I used to cover nasturtiums and morning glories but no other plants frosted.
Email from Gale chastising me for making a date with Scott Spears to see and copy the WMRN reels of broadcast without consulting her!
FedEx delivery of Catherine Sibley’s book first lady Florence Harding with Note ‘at request of author’ – couldn’t put it down and read 75 pages. nice acknowledgment of contribution I made and contact I gave her with Bob Farrell. Took some of the sting out of Gale’s email.
broke minutes for Angela carbetta’s recycling history program. forwarded to Gale.
email from Kathi forwarding class of $59 list link newsletter that Mary Merchant Gruber edits. lots of class info.
didn’t attend capture the moment remembering the one I did attend 3 years ago on the night Mary Hecker died
at Gale’s request I added educational activities of MCHS to her two-page history of publications. my list covered four pages. this is to persuade Meyer Incorporated management that we are an educational facility.