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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-30

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
DJ 9712
Clustered pots of plants on lower deck by gazebo and covered against forecasted frost – also covered Heavenly Blue Morning Glories and nasturtiums by side porch.
Re-wrote article on erecting a marker in Jackson Center Cemetery to submit it to Ohio Genealogy Society writing contest.
Still sorting boxes of papers. Also re-wrote a Day Before Yesterday article on Marion County Historical Society obtaining the Harding public Publishing Company safe in early 1970s. Still hope to find a way to move it to Heritage Hall*. Sent it to Gale for okay to submit to Marion Star. Received Haband order- black shoes, three blouses and gray Jacquard jacket.
Put birthday card and $10 for Tyler but won’t go out until not in time for his October 3rd birthday on Saturday.
Watching another program Ken Burns National Parks
Reminded me ofour first visit there in 1949 – Walt and Trella – Ray, Florence & Sandra Romine – after looking out over its vast area Florence I said ‘I thought it would be bigger’ (does that show her depth?)