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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-23

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Lazy day sorted papers on Bay windowsill and found ones I wanted to share with Kathu. To Caledonia to mail a letter to David’s invoices to me from Terradise Computer Cystems for Terradise Nature Preserve brochures and computer service. Birthday card to Susannah. Checked inventory of Day Before Yesterday- find I have only five copies left! reprint? new book?
Called Hartman to see if Trella Romine Prairie sign is ready today- no. Called Dave Matyac and Marilyn Schnibble to tell them erecting it would be tomorrow. Email from Gale- two new Prairie species along State Route 95 railroad by Whirlpool- ground peanut and Prenanthes [racemosa (Glaucous White Lettuce)]. No appetite- no pep.