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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-19

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Breakfast table conversation – I made out order for shoes, shirts & jacket from Haband. To HH at 1:00 & Kathi took Prius & visited Olgua (after a tour of the Art Exhibit). Mary Jane – lives at SW corner of SR 98 & Patton Pike – to Resource Center – Wants to visit Terradise. Jim Carpenter told it was beautiful, etc. Couple researching religious history of Marion – referred them to county histories.
Charlie McCarthy of Wyandot Co. to research Scioto Ordinance Plant – used some of the 1940’s Marion Star in Resource Center. Then it got interesting! – He has purchased 12,000* acres of the area (It was he who depleted our stock of the Mosher books) and razed all the buildings, drained the pond, ground the concrete to pellets – made new roads and will farm the area with soybeans and corn. There has been no publicity in the Marion Star & I offered to see that he gets some. He suggested a marker for Scioto Ordinance Plant & will pay for it & erect it! ($1,500)
Found that I had only completed the Ohio part of National Register nomination for the Houghton Sulky building. Jim Carpenter copied for me – also copied some of Charlie’s pictures. Ed Hutchman came to HH to visit with Kathi but she was at Olgua’s.
Home for naps. Chessie caught a chipmunk & a tree frog was in waste basket.
Stu Shank picked up Kathi at 5:45 to go to Palace Annex for ‘59 reunion.

[*1,200 (Trella was never good at zeroes!]