Friday, September 11, 2009
TV Reports on Sept 11 attack. Up at 8:00 to put garbage out for collection & to feed birds. Back to bed and slept until 1:00.
Nice thank you email from Jed. From 12:00 until 5:00 trying to get to bottom of box of letters, etc. Bulk of them are from Kathi – one from Rita and Don Decker setting guidelines for living with them. A 4 page hand-drawn birthday card from Jed with a parage of birthday cakes. Need to sort Kathi’s letters chronologically. One letter I wrote describing Dave Decker & my exploration from SR 309 to Whetstone River Road. Another refers to Ralph Mills offer to build (and rent to me) a flower shop next to 229 E. Fairground. (I have forgotten so much). Fragment of letter when Mary & I went to Chicago to retrieve Dave D’s car. Interesting but emotionally draining day.
Email from Dave Matyac – Has old skids – ‘Can I bring to your burn pile?’ Ok – but I can’t dispose of old cemetery walk!
Merrill Lynch statement shows a gain of $1,306 – total $92,807. Had invested $15,000 being held as cash into equities.