Saturday, August 1, 2009
Sunny 82
No sleep until after 6:00 AM. Woke up at 9:00 David was loading bricks into his car. We had bfst on the deck. Took a golf cart ride to see all the mowing he did. Inspected log jam where the run empties into the river. Took pix of trees – including ‘alligator’ dead limb on the tree house box elder. Then across road – Showed me where he got into bramble to pick the blackberries we ate for bfst. While watching a rabbit in a a prairie path. Then it walked out – stopped to look at use and sauntered over to the trees toward trailer park. David used Roundup from the new bottle on front walk & patio. He left for Ohio State Fair about 11:30.
To Resource Center at 1:00 – Jane Ratterman there for Genealogical Society. Jim Carpenter brought me the name badge Jerry had made for me. Not acceptable – one read
Trella M Volunteer
I made my version & Jim put it on Jerry’s desk. Left at 3:00 – Stopped at McDaniel GM for Jim to look at a Buick sedan for $3,000. Says he’s getting a loan Monday. Wants brother to look at it. Purchased a flash card – 4 GB at Big Lots for $10. We both shopped at Meijer – Took him to his mothers & home by 5:00.