Tuesday, July 28, 2009
85 sunny
Couldn’t sleep until 5:00 AM so slept until 10:30.
Wrote letter to Tommy Hemmerly about color of the flowers of Echinacea Tennesseensis- saw deep pink ones at Guy Denny’s but I thought Tommy showed me greenish white ones in Cedar Glades (no – it was pink!)
Wrote to Gary Iams explaining my involvement in saving the campus prairie from being plowed to plant corn (Dean Hazard’s plan) by giving $5,000 to establish fund to preserve prairie. Also sent him the one I had started for Karen Ream.
Email from Dave Decker with many photos of International Caving Convention in Texas.
No pep to go to Friends of Prairie Parks meeting or meeting of Garden Club – Speaker – O’Donnel on Honey Bees disappearance in Ohio – And what about mosiquitos, butterflies and lightning bugs? I’m concerned. Did see a red spotted purple butterfly & a yellow billed cuckoo at Terradise today.