Sunday, July 12, 2009
80° Sunny
Packed basket with bean salad and service along with 1982 Hildreth genealogy and the Hildreth genealogy I found recently in the filing cabinet drawer containing the books from Allen Sheneman that Mike Roesner [son-in-law of Allen’s] sent me culled from the eight boxes of his material.
Drove via Broadway and US 33 to Bellefontaine to Mary Rutan Park. All of Mack Hildreth’s brothers were there with wives. Bill from Texas- San Antonio- also Ron Boyland with Benoni Hildreth’s Civil War musket. Good presentation on the 121st at Battle of Gettysburg. He’s willing to do program at Marion in October. Gail willing!
Home via State Route 739 so I could stop at gate of Trella Romine Prairie at State Route 203 & 739. Great Headed Coneflower and Button Bush only thing I could see in bloom.
Emailed Kathi and David about reunion. Watched a Miss Marple mystery on TV- inane- waste of time.