Saturday, July 11, 2009
.2 in rain a.m.
To Resource Center at 1:00 after watching an Adrian Bloom episode on British Estate Gardens on the Victory Garden program.
Judy Peterson at resource center with me. Jim helped me inventory the books sold and gift shops. John Shauk (?) requested access to 1924 Marion Star bound copies so Jim found it for him in the new archives under loading dock. When they returned I found he was looking for a picture of Carl Sawyer so I showed him the drawer of Sawyer material and the box that we purchased from Craig Shermer. the original of the Carl Sawyer was soon found and Jim copied for him.
Drove Jim to CVS Pharmacy for his prescription and deleted about 200 photos with some with one command from my Olympia digital 5 camera while I waited. then took him to Harding Memorial for work in progress of restoration of the marble. Dropped him off at his mother’s home. Baked pizza for supper.
Watched several episodes on PBS of Are You Being Served, a tribute to Molly Pidjen who played Mrs. Slocum 1922 to 2009.