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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-06-22

Monday, June 22, 2009
turned on air conditioner for 3 hours. Light still in sky at 9:30
Re-potted miniature rose bushes: one with cut up banana peelings. Raked some windrows but decided to mow them. Also mowed front lawn and some down by pond. Took a short nap and then to Heritage Hall to meet with Gale and Jan. Gale working on news release for pre-World War II car show and art show next Saturday. Jan and I started on naming committee chairman and members. She had Gale’s contract- three copies and 6 months ending December 31st $300 bonus. We signed it.
To Servex no help on phone. Decided I was too tired to go to calling hours for Marcella Haldeman in Bucyrus. Reheated pizza for supper. Susannah arrived about 7:45 and heated did some for her along with bean salad and strawberries.
Watched Antiques Roadshow and Secrets of the Dead. To bed by 9:30.