Thursday, June 11, 2009
Softly raining 72°, 1/2-in shower pm.
Robin woke me at 7:30- couldn’t find her car keys. I showed her where she left them on the piano bench. She was helpful in getting breakfast ready. Left about 9:00. Self-centered, opinionated, enthusiastic, scatterbrained, loving, 63 years old, particular. likable. Pictures of her home with Doug, retired Navy officer in Washington State. Shows affluence. She drove 5 hours yesterday to spend time in Marion and here overnight and then driving 5 hours today back to Dunkirk, New York where Hanover friends met for a reunion. Will fly back to Washington State Saturday.
Calls from Rich Bradley trying to set up time to come here.
To Marion for shampoo and blow dry $15 then to McDaniel Toyota. Left my red 2009 Prius for undercoating and have a blue one as loaner. Home about 3:00. Had lunch.
Rich appeared at door about 4:30. So glad to see him. Birding conversation- discussion on changing seasons-. this year late.
Purpose of visit was to give me a framed photo of him and me in Terradise Nature Preserve last year. signed ‘Thank you Trella for all you have taught me’!
To Heritage Hall for program meeting. Phil Reid on Marion City Fire Department history. About 20 attended. Home by 8:45.