Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Jim pruned the Forsythia by fence along road- cut off most of the ‘Howard’ campanula in bed by mailbox. Cleared the weeds under dogwood tree and pruned suckers. Planted Homestead tomato plants along lower drive. Cleared weeds from around the three bedelia at end of lower drive. 9:30 to 1:45 $45.
He installed the new modem from Embark. I took pics of hosta and ferns on lower terrace and took them to Garden Club meeting- and Dr. Hering will be out to dig some. Bought an apple pie at Meijer to take to Garden Club potluck. There were seven pies! only one slice taken from mine. Dr. Hering had PowerPoint presentation on Messenger Plant Booster and Fungicide- organic. But can only be purchased online for $150! Gift of pink sweetheart rose from club.
Deposited $50 check from Central Ohio Native Plant Society to my checking account. It was made to Terradise Nature Preserve and will cover the $50 I paid for the tree markers. The $10,000 from HH bond has been deposited so my checking account is over $20,000. But real estate tax is our due and landscaping. Reassure America annual report- death value $156,000 even after redoing $20,000 in the past year.
Finished reading ‘Remember with Me’ by Ruth Lyons- mother’s beloved book with her comment