Thursday, May 21, 2009
55° sunny 16% humidity
Dow Jones 8292
Breakfast with David on the deck. He tried to correct the wiring on the three way switch in the hall but no go. He mowed paths down in the woods. Left for Columbus at 10:15 a.m. I planted the variegated sage in last year’s pot of sage and rosemary and the lavender in bloom from Sue Harter in the perennial bed by lower drive. Watered everything.
Saw an indigo bunting in hawthorne and heard a Great Crested Fly Catcher across the river. Wrens singing by box on lamppost by upper driveway and by box outside greenhouse.
Royce cleaning- $50. After she left I cleaned the banisters, deacon’s bench and siding on the front porch. Jack Rose has not picked up the sealer cans nor re-piled the wood by the garage door. It’s blocking the steps. He is a liar and scam artist.
A new Embark modem delivered by Federal Express