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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-05-19

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Called door guys and first one here by 10:30. Broken spring on garage door and he left to get a new one. About 1:30 another door guy Chad came and finished the repair and also serviced the north door $249. Jim Carpenter arrived at 9:30- he used weed eater under fence by road and the bank along lower driveway. Raked up the wind rows from mowing yesterday.
He emptied pots where things didn’t grow and mixed with peat and sifted into potting benches. I used it all potting up Sue’s gifts. Jim planted red morning glories by greenhouse and Heavenly Blue by side porch.
We had cleaned out the utility room around the water meter and the Ohio American water meter installer came about 1:30 and replaced old meter. Mandated every 15 years.
Loaded six pots of tomato plants into Prius and took to Heritage Hall to give to board members. Each pot had at least three plants and they were 5 to 10 in tal-. from seed in March. Betty White, Carol Robinson, Nancy Gracely and others got them. Jack Shaffer confirmed appointment to Phyllis Glascoe’s seat- expires 2011.