Saturday, May 9, 2009
62º windy
Shampoo and blow dry at 12:30 left so long $13. at Resource Center Jim Carpenter helped me research restaurant career of George Kasotis. it appeared under 131 South Main Street as Crist Key and Vine and Cafe George, the south unit of the Old Stone block circa 1830. So it could not have been built by Amos Kling who was born in 1833. I was told Florence Kling was born on the east side above store north of Schaffner’s Furniture, now gone.
Drove by the areas with Jim and then to Blaine Avenue (first Marion Hospital) where a fire yesterday killed two babies. He photographed with his camera (that he had said disappeared??). Cards in mail from Marcia thanking for hosta. Postcard from Nancy Earl with her photo of wild blue phlox and note from Jan Kennedy appreciative of last Sunday visit.