Friday, May 8, 2009
Cloudy 65ยบ
Hammerly’s flowers delivered a huge gorgeous bouquet from Dave and Johanna. I made another one for the kitchen from some of the roses, carnations, Dutch iris, liatris and a huge hydrangea bloom. emailed my thanks and looked at pics from Dave’s visit to Clear Creek State park, colorado.
wrote an outline for my talk to the Central Ohio native plant society.
call from Karen Kelly. She has 25 white 24-in steaks and 4×6 blacks to put by trees for identification at TNP. asked for a list of 25. By eliminating the shrubs and vines the TNP brochure has 25 trees. Emailed report to her.
Decided to make baked spaghetti. Had the whole stove working. ended up with sauce over spaghetti for supper and two containers ready to bake.
Mother’s Day card from David and Karen. Karen’s writing. also a card from Dave and Johanna.