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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-03-28

Saturday, March 28, 2009
David to Marion to buy new work shoes – Didn’t find the ones in the garage! – After breakfast took a golf cart trip to assess work needed. He cleared the path along the river where big tree was across & finished the pick up of limbs. Jed arrived in time to help remove plastic from greenhouse & store in shed. They both labored over removing the railroad tiles on the steps by greenhouse. Brought landscape timbers stored across the road to use as sides of new ramp when they hauled rooted rr ties to burn pile. Removed & stacked bricks from the walk and graded area into a ramp. Meanwhile i raked leaves from beds & Jed hauld them to compost opile. I work in greenhouse cutting off frozen stalks. Hated to lose the huge jade plant that Wayne Crum brought years ago. Also the cacti from Rocky’s collection. Dumped dirt from the pots along side of timbers edging ramp. I raked leaves under patio furniture & Jed cut off the plume grass & tall coreoposis by pool. Picked a daff blooming by greenhouse. David left about 5:00 – Jed & Miette stayed for supper of salmon cakes, sweet potatoes & veggie dip. Put on my school teacher outfit & we went to HH for Jed to see what we need to upgrade computer programs in Resource Center & electrical connection of computer in media room. I didn’t stay to participate – too worn out.