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Trella Hemmerly – 1995-02-23

Thursday, February 23, 1995
Took Whirlpool packet to Hemmerly’s for Virgil to drop off. Picked Mary Jo Baker up at 9:00 and off to Columbus. Found what we needed at National Office Warehouse on Route 161- 2 bookcases and Oak 48 in. desk and eight chairs upholstered to match carpet in Resource Center. $550 for Marion Area Genearlogical Society and $265 for MCHS chairs. To Sawmill Road lunch at Wendy’s and shopped at Computerland USA- a warehouse Micro Center. Priced printers. Back to Marion by 4:00. Dropped off packet for Tom Ivory at National City Bank and for Carl Hughes with offer to send to his contacts!. Left keyboard drawer at Hemmerly’s from Computerland USA. 7 phone calls on answering machine. I’m exhausted.