Tuesday, December 10, 1991
29/42 – foggy
MCHS 6 ½ hrs
Wrote up Nov 19 Board Meeting from Ann Bush notes & Annual Meeting from my notes. Also found draft of letter to go with brick appreciation certificates. In to Marion at 1:00 for Perm at Le Salon of Style (Changed from The Styling Salon!) $35
Me Eula at HH at 3:15 & we worked on setting up committee chair – still not heat in building. The new $2,500 electrical system on boiler shorted out. At 4:15 Exec Comm meeting.
Hurried them thru agenda so I could ge to Garden Club of Marion C’mas Dinner at Ramada Inn (formerly Harding Inn- Holiday House, etc) Sat between Jim Mautz & Tom Quilter. Both interested in Prairie. River Valley Singerss gave propgram – reminding me of when Dave Decker was with that group.
Home by 9:15 – fire in fireplace to burn the oak logs so can put new grate in. One in it is too shallow & puts smoke into the room.
Called Dave & Dee at 10:00 but no one home.. Guess Dave is at sea & Dee working.