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Trella Hemmerly – 1991-11-28

Thursday, November 28, 1991
MCHS Trella 1 hr
David 2 hrs.
In to Mary’s at 8. Picked up a centerpiece to take to Haldeman’s. When we got there, David was at office so Mary & I went over & he worked on the program to print certificates for all who have purchased bricks.
Back to 6404 Coffey at `1:30 for a fabulous Thanksgiving Dinner. (which Susannah insisted was lunch). Clam chowder, Rast Turkey, pork loin roast, mashed potatoes, 2 kinds of stuffing, fruit bread, sweet potato & pecans, broccoli, brussels sprouts & cauliflower. 2 kinds of cranberry sauce, pumpkin & mince pies. All delicious. Boy’s room re-arranged & more open space. Jed was entering notes of a piece & then the Commodore computer played it back! Left about 4:30 & home by 8:00. 6 hrs driving – 6 hrs visiting & eating.
Jed played (poorly, I thought) his new (old) French Horn that I gave him $1,000 for. They had to pay $850 so that gave the family $150 for the cleanup work they did at Terradise on Nov 10 – David & Josh had a session with their trombones. Interesting to see how easily he teaches.