Tuesday, November 5, 1991
14/36 records broken
MCHS 4 hrs
Wrote letter to Jack Telfer about feeling against walls in lobby for Exe Committee to consider – then found he will be at meeting today! So just passed copies to Exec Com.
In at 10:30 & picked up another laid of leaves at Cottrells before going to Dr. Cloran for tooth cleaning. Then to KMart to pick up 2 OSU Marching Band Tickets for price of 1 – $12.50. Bought sweatshirt & pants for Howard. Mine felt so good to sleep in last night. Got a cute moving-singing doll for Suzannah [sic] for C’mas. Back to HH to meet Lyle Patton to pick up his $600 check.
Home & wrote Bd Meeting Notice for Hemmerly’s next Monday & made copies to send to kathi & David. To Caledonia to vote for Fairground levity – and not much else.
Voted for Jake Reterrer for Twp. Trustee.. Lovely fall arrangement from Hemmerly’s for my birthday. Delivered while I was gone. Back in to Marion for MCHS Exec Committee meeting – uproar over Gary Somerlot not accepting Treasurer’s nomination. Norm says he promised Donna Ruth to not do it again.
Tuned in to WMRN too late to get election returns.
Me Mary at Wendy’s for chili. She had great time with Burtch Girls in Indianapolis.