Thursday, September 19, 1991
MCHS Board 4 hrs
Bricks 1 ½ hrs
Wrote up minutes of board meeting. In town at 1:45 to meet with Kass about updating corporate minutes. She had recorded check book for 5 years & made notes of me to write them up. Picked Mary up & drove to CorMor Nurseries in Wyandot Co. to pick up 2 flats (100) opf vinca plants for John Teetor. Stopped at Big John Silvers for fish dinner & also got root beer shakes at Dubbles. Spilled mine so stopped at Mary’s to clean up. To Photo Shop at Union Station to get film end out of case, stopped at Macola to order business cards, left copy of minutes at HH, to Teetors to leave vinca, to Nyes to take treasurer’s report & visit, to Meijers & K-Mart looking for oval frame. Got home at 7:15 & Helen Kaufman was waitin for me to help enter location into data base file so people can find their brick. Did wall LCA (265 entries in 2 ½ hrs)
Popcorn, TV, News – read Star – did crossword puzzle & to bed.