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Trella Hemmerly – 1991-08-24

Saturday, August 24, 1991
Picked Helen Kaufman up at 7:45 & on Rt 23 by 7:55 – In Dearborn took about ½ hr to find the Hyatt Regency in Fairlane Shopping Center. Met Jim Strider in the courtyard- happenstance- & he escorted us to Registration Desk & Trade Show (picked up computer program info) & then to the Awards Luncheon. J.D. Britton – Dr. & Mrs. George Knapper, Mary Morgan (award recipients also), Jim & Helen at our table. About 200 people there. Good soup – terrible chicken & rice concoction. 90 awards given – most to Historical Organizations. The District Chairman read the qualifications for his group of states. Mine is a Certificate of Commendation for dedicated service in promoting local history on Ohio. Left about 2:30 after pix & a ride in one of the glass elevators. Stopped near Bowling Green for gas & a milkshake & home by 5:00.
Called Kathi- visiting Bob in Oklahoma City – Bob in 6 wk school. Upset that I would loan Dave money to buy motorcycle. Told her I won’t.