Wednesday, August 21, 1991
79/54 Sunny
Huber 7 hrs.
A day of history – 3 days attempt by an 8 man coup by Communist leaders in Russia failed due to the protests of the Russian people in Moscow led by Boris Yeltsin, the first elected president of Russia. Finally the communist threat no longer hangs over the world. Gorbachev had been held under house arrest by Communists. The people congregated & built barriers against tanks to protect ‘Down with junta – Down with KGB’ – 150,000 people congregated to hear Yeltsin,.
At Terradise a more normal day – Royce here to clean – Fertioliozed plants – rejoiced in the enlarging peaches – watched hummingbirds at feeder on side porch. A perfect day.
At 1:00 met Sheilda Balyantine, photographer from Marion Star at Claridon Prairie. Taking shots for announcement of prairie tour Sundaty. Also came to Teerradise for shots of me.
At 2:00 started on Huber Newsletter & finished about 6:30. Ruth Mosher out to borrow my WordStar 5.5 manual. Gary Brammerl out to figure on installation of new bathroom.
Then worked on membership renewal letter & labels.
Dave called about 10:30. To satisfy Dee’s need to sort things out for herself he will be staying in the ship & needs a motorcycle to get around – asked to borrow $500 – admitted her background – was poor – always lived in a trailer park. She is seeing a psychiatrist -!- They are both going to counseling.