Saturday, August 10, 1991
Yesterday’s Star carried Geneva Brewer’s death notice Thursday PM
So sorry for Mary’s sake. They spent so much time together.
Unpacked. Had rained ½ in. Thursday Eve so things looked good, but watering front grass.
To Claridon Prairie about 12:45 to meet group from Wilmot Nature Center – Stark Co. with Clinton Hobbs & Perry Peskin, about 15 – all good botanists. Kensel led the tour & I hopscotched in my car. They walked the whole mile from 1:00 to 4:00. I drove into marion for corn & gas & also had oil change etc at new Penzoil Oil Exchange for$19.37
David called to welcome home – Will be up first of week with TerraPro for Bods & others to Beta test.
Ruth Mosher out to run a letter on my laser printer.