Tuesday, July 30, 1991
MCHS 3+2+3 = 8 2 trips 40 miles
David at computer when I woke up at 7:00 – installing software for my new scanner. Taught me how to use it – not much good for text but great for line art. Bfst on deck with Josh & Susannah. J.D. Britton (LHO) called to see if I was going to Dearborn to receive my AASLH – decided to go since OHS will have a table. David & Josh loading canoe when I left for HH to meet Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Snyder of Boulder, CO for tour of Heritage Hall. Betty Millisor had found his tools & had the box marked so I could point them out to him. John Hickson gave him a print out of all the items he (Snyder) gave MCHS. Home for lunch (sweet corn from McMahans). Paid bills. Letter to awards coordinator of AASLH. Watered front beds. Wrote minutes of April 30 program meeting & condensed minutes to read tonight. In at 6:00 for supper at Turroff’s with Mary – sausage & sauerkraut & mshed potatoes – $3.91 -jello.
Phil Reid entertaining presentation on Marion Fire Dept 1950 to 1990. New technology changed fire fighting. Kensel & Opal Clutter on Social Committee – saw him & OSU student collecting seed at 309 & 23 today. Said he found prairie dropseed that Bob Harter found.